How SEO can be a game changer for your small business

Is SEO worth it?

Should your small business invest in SEO?

Envri can help your small business have the best search engine results possible, using search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is what makes businesses become the most attractive option for a consumer.  A business should have a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate website that is compatible with smartphones. Your website content should convince a user that your business is the best option for their needs. You should have an informational blog that is updated regularly to widen your audience. Make sure your on-page content is accurate and well-written. Your page titles and meta descriptions should tell as much as possible about your business in a short space. Have a space on your website dedicated to reviews, case studies, testimonials and portfolios to build your credibility. Create a Facebook and/or Instagram page and post often. Doing all these things can develop your business by:

Leading more clients to you

If more people can find you simply by searching for that kind of business, you’ll have more customers.

Supplementing word of mouth marketing

Not all business can be done by word of mouth, but with SEO, it becomes much more effective.

Showing people you care about your business and want to be found

This makes people want to use your business more.

It helps your business’s reputation

As customers, we assume that businesses on the first page of Google results are more trustworthy than those on the second and third pages. If your business is on the first page of results, people will be more inclined to use your business.

Contact us!

Let us know if you are interested in using SEO for your business.